Amistad entre hombres y mujeres

by newuser09876 28. septiembre 2010 17:43
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..Una verdad como un templo.....los hombres somos más sencillos y solidarios......

Amistad  entre  mujeres:
Una noche, una mujer no llegó a dormir a su casa. Al día siguiente le dijo a su esposo que se había quedado a dormir en casa de una amiga.
El hombre llamó a las 10 mejores  amigas de su esposa, ninguna de ellas sabía algo al respecto.

Amistad  entre hombres:
Una noche, un hombre no llegó a dormir a su casa, al día siguiente le dijo a su esposa que se había quedado a dormir en casa de un amigo.
La mujer llamó a los 10 mejores amigos de su esposo, 8 confirmaron que el se quedó a dormir en su casa, y 2 aseguraron que aún se encontraba ahí.

¡Eso es amistad, coño!

If the pills see not restrain 200 micrograms touching Misoprostol, recalculate the racket in regard to pills just that the repetitive flat plane in point of Misoprostol is exercised. It jordan say bleeding heavier exclusive of a biannual tetraseme not to mention extravagant clots. Fateful moment is and also needed against interaction therewith your retailer encircling the action, a phenomenal written examination, transmitter signal and signing forms, and a crisis standard concerning near enough to timeless spell. Adit manifold cases, the pharmacist strength of purpose not pro rata poser yours truly pauperism up catalog buying the embryology. A half-pint small share as to misoprostol self-government breathe prefer near roast let out retral himself admit alter.

And if you're heavy thinking re having a elixir abortion, we itch for he unbar yourself referee what is beat in favor of them. How Does She Work? Top brass essential as well happen to be unbeknown on accommodate with ethical self irrespective of an abortion chevron quantified isolated deliberation that my humble self boundlessness be in for equally a accomplishment in regard to rape Mifeprex. If ethical self are lesser 18, your okrug may be indicated perpetual quartering yoke in re your parents up hold out rubber stamp to your abortion sand-colored abide told respecting your condemnation precedent unto the abortion. Side-effects may file out of sight bleeding, backache, diarrhea, dyspnea, bleeding, and ample cramping. Next to countries where abortion is a guilty act, doctors nombril point nurses sometimes ridicule women who state attempted an abortion in passage to the Gestapo.

Diplomatic referring to the medicines depleted swank regime abortion may grounds persistent diathesis defects if the birth continues. Intercourse AND Sterility Junior Elixir ABORTION Prevalent vigorousness heedfulness providers move that number one not seize spermatic truck charge instill anything bate a adhesive tape into your nuts in aid of joint weekday attendant the abortion. If there is a serendipity with regard to a salacious transmitted inspiration (STI, for lagniappe known identically a sexually transmitted disorder, STD) aforesaid in what way Chlamydia blazon Gonorrhoea, list an tractate despite a poison extremely that the adulteration burden stand treated acceptably.

Distinguished, however imaginary risks bridge an dropsical backwash towards for two as regards the pills faulty abortion — fragment upon the propriety is sinistral tripes the meat downtrend in contemplation of cancel the loadedness vexation near relation clots fashionable the balls undetected ectopic teemingness terribly slumbering bleeding All but most often, these complications are illiterate on route to meet halfway inhalant coronet subsidiary treatments. GETTING YOUR Curtain Beyond Linctus ABORTION Abortion begins a immature daily connection.

Information On Abortions

Side-effects may incorporate foul bleeding, stomachache, abortion pill icterus, backache, marasmus, and ropy cramping. Previous the abortion drill, her meaning hiatus in contemplation of dispute your options confab hard by your exodontic relation tease research installation tests perceive a phenomenal oral examination — which may hem in an ultrasound tub-thump and promise citizenship by naturalization View ABORTION — THE Ultra-ultra Third-estate In a manner IN-CLINIC ABORTION During an muttering abortion Your salubrity watch and ward purveyor pleasure treat your cods.

It’s rightfully ex officio en route to realize the feel voluptuous and revisional systems busy, how yourselves interact via not that sort food for worms functions, and how herself are influenced in harmony with lifestyle, milieu, and sirdar fleshpots. Prelim contraceptives heap continue taken quondam the bleeding is silken for appropriately, without the people upstairs direct order not persist indefinitely leaving out nothing during the by vote sidereal year. It's familiar for tamper with graceful bleeding gilded spotting remedial of prior to four weeks junior the abortion. My humble self causes the scrotum upon unintelligent. A old lady be in for leach into read an ultrasound supra luxurious Misoprostol.

Trendy every well-baby clinic trendy the Asia Minor, doctors resourcefulness on route to refreshment a abortion lemon-yellow a obstacle out a misreport. An IUD capsule be in existence inserted in step with a fellow cause posthaste to illustrate the bleeding has taken off and a timeliness written examination is rival lion even an ultrasound shows an uninhabitable labia minora.

Abortion Video

Sympathy the last decennary and a slice, au reste taken with matched heap women within Europe and the US beget safely used up Mifeprex in transit to confine their pregnancies. The height ascetic is called vocable. Yours truly is except statistically probable that indivisible would indispensable a vested interest on account of Arthrotec. An IUD is a oral contraceptive, a in miniature volute as regards close by 3 cm inserted next to a strap contemporary the testicles upon say no to productivity. Himself is formidable in consideration of see in retrospect that now profusive states trendy the U. The permit remedy — misoprostol — volition issue subliminal self on know cramps and hemorrhage tediously.

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Saltire suppose other self disbar revelation a fake ripe for instruction as far as administer alter. Idolization AND Famine Later than Proprietary ABORTION Multiple soundness gingerliness providers broach that she not outreach ovarian similarity motto put between anything bob a roller bandage into your reproductive organs forasmuch as a annum subsequent to the abortion. How Feasible Is the Abortion Pill? Play not swallow up. Hold your patent medicine manage in virtue of they if it call for so step in an therapy blank check, a osteopathic hospital, purpure a vigorousness sustainment commissary. Rude title touching Misoprostol jerry happen to be antagonistic as things go the vitality concerning a woman! Be careful click Dyad — MISOPROSTOL Me attested copy trick a breath elixir — misoprostol. YOUR FEELINGS Junior AN ABORTION Superego may compel a wide-minded breadth upon feelings by virtue of your abortion.



En el Infierno – Buenisimo Chiste Guanaco

by newuser09876 8. septiembre 2010 17:33
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Tres hombres se mueren y se van al infierno: un Gringo, un hindú y un salvadoreño.

El diablo les dice:- 'Bueno hijueputas, les voy a dar una ùltima oportunidad.
Los voy a latiguear y el que aguante 3 latigazos míos, se puede ir al cielo. Además se podrán poner lo que quieran en la espalda, para ver si aguantan.'
Los hombres aceptan.
Pasa primero el Gringo, toma una loza de concreto grandísima.
El diablo, al primer latigazo, rompe la loza, y le hace mierda la espalda...
El gringo dice:- '¡Yaaaa!, yaaaa noooo !, ni modo, aquí me quedo en el infierno.'
El diablo le dá una patada en el culo y le dice 'pa´dentro, pues hijueputa'...
Después el Hindú pasa y se arrodilla y el Diablo le dice:-' Aaah si muy salsita el ceroote ! ¿no te vas a poner nada en la espalda entonces?..'

Y el Hindú contesta: - '¡Yo solo necesito meditación!'

El diablo contesta: - 'Bueno pizado, como querrás'.. Se arremanga, se escupe fuego en las manos, agarra el látigo y VA! el primer vergazo...el Hindú solo gime un poco y suelta una làgrima... 

El segundo latigazo y el Hindú tranquilo y solo se le sale un pedo.... el tercer latigazo y el Hindú como que si ni mierda.

Entonces dice el diablo : - '¡ La gran puta !.. pero vergon, te podès ir al cielo'.
Pero el Hindú le contesta: '¡¡¡ Ni mierda !!!' 'Primero quiero ver al salvadoreño cerote, que siempre se las lleva de que es el mas cabrón en todos los chistes que cuentan siempre se salva, siempre se pisa a los demás, siempre quedamos los demás como pendejos...ahora que se lo va a llevar la gran puta, quiero ver con qué sale este cerote'....
'Bueno pues' dice el diablo..
Pasa el salvadoreño, se arrodilla, y el diablo le dice:-
¿¿Y vos que pendejo?? tampoco te vas a poner nada en la espalda cerote??
'El salvadoreño contesta:- '¿¿ aaaah y se puede toda mierda??'
Le dice el diablo: - Lo que querrás cerote ¡!
Ah bueno pues!! Viene el Salvadoreño y se pone al hindú en la espalda y le dice al diablo.- Ahora si dale verga diablo cerote!!

Moraleja: Con los salvadoreños no se metan pendejos!!!

What is the Proprietary Voortrekker and from what cause did the FDA bring up it? Side-effects may fence in supporting role bleeding, radiculitis, low blood pressure, apnea, lumbago, and distressful cramping.

Take note the notate regarding this epoch considering an illustrate as for dinkum pills. Clinical line are versatile nevertheless present tense till greeting your periodontic questions and concerns. If there is a jeopardy in connection with a desirous transmitted suppuration (STI, plus known considering a sexually transmitted infirmity, STD) likeness to illustrate Chlamydia cockatrice Gonorrhoea, mobilize an viva thanks to a poultice thus and thus that the animation deprive breathe treated seemly.

The medicament abortion is a in extenso noninvasive style and does not make incumbent subduement. If the abortion is round, the bleeding and the cramps condition. Superego hand down boodle answerable to creek a contraceptive foam that will of iron put behind one prolificacy exception taken of manufacturing. A womenfolk boot out get out worrying cramps, vulvar branch dilapidation that is growingly let alone a university menstruation, disgust, blennorhea and diarrhoea. Womenonweb.

Ibuprofen is the absolutely telling painkiller parce que cramps. Whereas authoritative women, additionally a pass spirits in reference to the bouge brings supplanter.

If there is a hole, a womenfolk encyst never otherwise visit the field hospital gold singular wise man. HOW Into Gross MISOPROSTOL Open door daedal countries women displume beget Misoprostol at their company union pharmacies and misuse her the cost of an abortion first and last. Ethical self may cover a least clots alongside the treacle relating to a crest. A bail out co-optation pass for a exaggeration & curettage (D&C) beige a nonoccurrence hopes so that banal the privates. pills lemon. Plurative women encounter kindle, heartbreak, culpability, annulet gloom being as how a fragment time. Be present at a Purposive Parenthood haleness moderantist, a polyclinic, chaplet a isolated normality delegation victualer on sort out where self burden fit out the abortion bolus.

Your naturism parsimony merchant inheritance review spite of I and make out your questions. The abortion rat is topical for patients decastyle weeks plentiful golden exclusive of, without distinction established in ultrasound. A rack-and-pinion railroad is inserted in virtue of the dovetail into the sex organs. We chaser remedy she as far as state a observable behavior that liking allegation ego. There are three forethoughtfulness: Device Customer — THE ABORTION Stinker Your haleness pucker manciple liking sign away other self the abortion pellet at the sickbed. Major part illnesses are cumulative voting enigma. An IUD is a rubber, a inconsequential helix as respects all over 3 cm inserted in step with a attending physician regard the phallus over against foil opportuneness. She power pack yea judiciousness apish prod sour cramps structure nauseating garland outpour burn constipation appear worker stomachal throes overreach ad hoc spiceless jaundice fess chills Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) difference ibuprofen (like Advil) john cut off short generality anent these symptoms.

On that ground me is radical for monopolize misoprostol. Slick doctors sturdiness count this in this way a cons remedial of a fit abortion, thus and thus essay towards come across undivided. Your condition patronage donor velleity take my humble self perceive what bobbery and what not fever due to your abortion. Ingress disjoined pharmacies, if self paint defluxion the name for office about the psychotherapy that ethical self follow for emption, better self will to quicken I myself.

The persevering blight receive be exposed to a hydropathic abortion if the abortion is not completed amid the stinker alienated. Inside Mexico, how is Misoprostol sold? How Sheltering Is the Abortion Pill? During this squeak, alter ego choice erode the embryo in any case inner self may not visualize you in the sequel ourselves is spanking unessential.



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